Senin, Maret 22, 2010


Jadwal MotoGP Kelas 800 cc Tahun 2010 (WIB)

1. Senin, 12 April : Qatar-Losail: 03.00
2. Minggu, 25 April : Jepang-Motegi: 15.00
3. Minggu, 2 Mei : Spanyol-Jerez: 19.00
4. Minggu, 23 Mei : Perancis-Le Mans: 19.00
5. Minggu, 6 Juni : Italia-Mugello: 19.00
6. Minggu, 20 Juni : Inggris-Silverstone: 19.00
7. Sabtu, 26 Juni : Belanda-Assen: 19.00
8. Minggu, 4 Juli : Catalunya-Catalunya: 19.00
9. Minggu, 18 Juli : Jerman-Sachsenring: 19.00
10. Senin, 26 Juli : AS-Laguna Seca: 04.00
11. Minggu, 15 Agustus : Rep. Ceko-Brno:19.00
12. Senin, 30 Agustus : AS-Indianapolis: 02.00
13. Minggu, 5 September : San Marino-Misano: 19.00
14. Minggu, 19 September : Hongaria-Balatonring: 19.00
15. Minggu, 10 Oktober : Malaysia-Sepang: 15.00
16. Minggu, 17 Oktober : Australia-Phillip Island: 12.00
17. Minggu, 31 Oktober : Portugal-Estoril: 20.00
18. Minggu, 7 November : Valencia-Ricardo Tormo: 20.00

Honda harus MENANG!!!

Rabu, Desember 30, 2009



Madu berasal dari nektar bunga yang diproses oleh lebah yang mengandung nutrisi/gizi yang tinggi. Madu mengandung berbagai macam unsur, seperti: kalsium, natrium, kalium, besi, klorida, posfor, sulfur, yodium, mangan, silikon, krom, nikel, Za, vitamin (A, B kompleks, C, D, E, K, dsb.). Madu berkhasiat juga sebagai antibiotik karena mengandung zat stimulator yang merangsang pertumbuhan sel-sel jaringan tubuh.
Madu memiliki beberapa manfaat sebagai berikut:
1. Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh;
2. Vitalitas dan fungsi seksual;
3. Mencegah pertumbuhan tumor/kanker;
4. Bahan katalis untuk menjadi keseimbangan metabolisme tubuh dan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh;
5. Mempercepat penyembuhan bekas operasi;
6. Menstabilkan tekanan darah;
7. Memperkuat fungsi jantung, hati, dan ginjal;
8. Mengatasi gangguan pernafasan terutama untuk mengusir dahak atau cairan yang menyumbat saluran pernafasan serta sebagai dekongestan (pelega hidung saat pilek);
9. Madu juga memiliki sifat sedative (penenang) yang ringan, karena itu madu bisa dicampur pada segelas susu untuk diminum sebelum tidur, minuman ini bisa membuat rileks dan bisa segera tidur nyenyak;
10. Segelas air hangat dicampur lemon dan madu merupakan ramuan tradisional yang bisa digunakan untuk mengikis radang tenggorokan;
11. Bila mulut sariawan atau meradang, madu diencerkan dengan air untuk kumur;
12. Karena madu bersifat basa, madu dapat melindungi lambung dan usus dari penumpukan asam di dalamnya;
13. Luka-luka dalam usus juga dapat cepat sembuh jika penderita selalu makan makanan yang dicampur madu.

Al Qur'an Surat An-Nahl:
- Ayat 68: "Dan Tuhan-mu mewahyukan kepada lebah, 'buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon kayu, dan tempat-tempat yang dibikin manusia'."
- Ayat 69: "Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhan-mu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu) dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan."

Selasa, Desember 29, 2009


Tips Merawat Baterai Laptop

Berikut ini adalah tips merawat baterai laptop:
1. Jika baterai melemah dan masa operasinya berkurang drastis, lebih baik langsung membeli baterai baru. Jangan coba-coba memperbaiki baterai yang sudah rusak untuk dipakai kembali.
2. Selalu pastikan bahwa Anda memakai baterai asli dari penjual resmi. Jika baterai asli saja dilaporkan banyak yang meledak, apalagi dengan baterai palsu.
3. Jangan mengisi ulang baterai Anda lebih dari 8 jam. Mengisi ulang baterai terlalu lama dilaporkan berisiko menimbulkan ledakan.
4. Juka baterai sudah penuh saat diisi ulang, pilih salah satu saja, memakai daya listrik atau baterai saat Anda menggunakan laptop.
5. Pakailah charger pengisi ulang yang kompatibel dengan baaterai Anda. Charger yang tidak sesuai akan meningkatkan risiko overheating.
6. Jangan letakkan laptop di area yang dapat menjadi sangat panas, misal di bagasi mobil atau di bawah terik matahari.
7. Selalu ikuti perkembangan berita teknologi, misalnya di situs berita online. Biasanya jika terjadi masalah pada baterai laptop, vendor laptop tersebut akan melakukan penarikan besar-besaran. Jika Anda mengikuti perkembangan dan kebetulan laptop Anda bermasalah, Anda bisa mengikuti prosedur yang sudah ditentukan, misalnya penukaran baterai.
Gimana, masih kurang puas...???

Rabu, Agustus 05, 2009


A Rare Look Inside Nokia China's Test Center
Hyginus Hardoyo, The Jakarta Post, Beijing Mon, 07/27/2009 2:37 PM

Nokia China opened its doors and factory in Beijing early this month to a group of journalists from Southeast Asia.
For the first time in its decade of operations, the company gave its guests a chance to have a close look at and interact with its testing center, design studio and manufacturing process.
That Nokia is a leading company producing quality mobile phones is something just about everybody already knows. But knowledge of the details of just how each Nokia device is made and tested is possibly less widespread.
A brief visit to the company, following a rare invitation to journalists, gave a chance to see a series of its processes, from its stringent testing and creative design to seamless manufacturing.
On arrival at the building compound, the journalists were greeted by Louise Ingram, Nokia's regional head for corporate communications, and David Tang, Nokia China's vice president. Tang eagerly discussed the great achievements his company has made in China.
"Over 180 million Chinese people use Nokia devices every day," Tang said, disclosing the importance of China's position, as it constitutes the largest single country market for Nokia in the world.
Nokia's sales in China last year, for example, reached a value of 6.42 billion euros, accounting for 13 percent of Nokia's global net sales, he said.
In line with Nokia's ever-growing presence in China, Tan described the Finnish mobile phone producer's vision of bringing the Internet to rural areas where the Web is not currently accessible.
Even though made-in-China products still tend to be perceived as being of inferior quality, Tang assured the journalists that this is not true of Nokia China, as the company has adopted the same high-quality standards practiced by Nokia factories all over the world.
The first impression on entering the Nokia China Campus, which is located in Xingwang Industrial Park in the Beijing Economic and Technology Zone, is that it places a strong emphasis on providing a pleasant working environment for its employees.
Designed with large open spaces and bright interiors encircled by glass windows, the building is equipped with various facilities, including a business center, modern gym, massage parlor, ATMs, cafeteria and restaurants.
Combined with a wide range of entertainment areas, the pleasant and functional working environment is expected to enable employees to work to full capacity, thereby making them productive and able to create products of excellent quality.
As well as holding the testing center, design studio and factory, the campus also houses the company's China headquarters.
The highlight of the visit was to the tightly guarded test center, where the journalists were guided through several rooms where key tests are carried out on the phones.
The test center in China constitutes one of 10 test centers operated by Nokia around the world.
All claim to be operated under the same rigorous quality control standards.
This is where you discover answers to those things you're curious about when it comes to how the company considers any mishaps befalling their mobile phones.
For example, what happens if a handset is kept in the pocket of a pair of jeans for a long time? How about if you drop it onto the pavement? What if it is exposed to moisture? Or comes into contact with a chemical substance?
As Kenneth Hans, manager of the test center, said, "A Nokia phone is put through over 200 rigorous tests before it goes to the market."
The range of tests involves testing responses to being dropped, scratched or exposed to extreme temperatures.
Tests are developed and conducted to resemble real-life situations. Durability tests, for example, include measuring the device's resilience when dropped from a certain height - a shirt pocket - onto a concrete surface.
It even has a machine that simulates what happens to a handset carried in pockets to clothes: When the device is carried in a back pocket, it may bend when the user sits down. One machine is used to simulate the effects of the bend and twist that the device experiences. Another uses real denim to simulate turbulence inside the pockets.
Other tests involve assessing the durability of a handset's keypad by pressing the keypad repeatedly to ensure it keeps working; another tests the flipping mechanism for phones with hinges to ensure that the handset maintains its mechanical and electrical functionality.
To help protect handsets against the elements, weather conditions are also simulated to test the device's resistance to extreme temperatures and high humidity.
The design studio revealed fewer secrets, not offering much in the way of visuals or data, except to show the place where creative minds gather to think up devices that can be both aesthetically and functionally pleasing to users.
The team of 25 designers tap their creativity in comfortable, neatly arranged compartments, each with a set of desks and computers.
Also in the studio is a library holding design books along with a glass case displaying nearly every product Nokia has ever released, even those bricks in the old 3210 and 5110 series.
The designers use an acrylic wall to illustrate any ideas derived through brainstorming activities.
The last stop on the visit was to the manufacturing center and assembly lines, which took up at least two floors. As it adopts the same standards applied in Finland and other parts of the world, the factory is clearly clean and well maintained.
The factory operation is made possible through the support of Nokia's partners, most of which are big-name industry players such as DHL of the US, which deals with supply logistics, Sanyo of Japan, which supplies batteries, and Friwo of Germany, with its chargers. They are among the 20 partners of Nokia China housed in the Xingwang Industrial Park.

Selasa, Juli 14, 2009


Kalla hosts Golkar executive meeting
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Mon, 07/13/2009 10:43 PMElection 2009
A number of Golkar executives attended Monday a meeting at the residence of Jusuf Kalla, the party's chairman and presidential candidate, on Jl. Mangunsarkoro in Central Jakarta."This meeting aims to discuss the results and the party's performance during both the legislative and presidential elections," Golkar secretary general Sumarsono told reporters.He smiled when asked whether the meeting would also discuss Golkar's response to an offer to join the next government, which looks set to remain under incumbent President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of the Democratic Party.Some leaders of Golkar, which practically broke its 2004 coalition partnership with the Democratic Party after Kalla decided to run for presidency, have hinted at the party’s move to renew the partnership following Kalla’s apparent defeat in the presidential election.Golkar’s Southeast Sulawesi leader Ridwan Bae had stated that the party would elect Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare Aburizal Bakrie in place of Kalla in the upcoming congress. Aburizal is said to face opposition from media tycoon Suryo Paloh, the party's current chief patron. (hdt)

Senin, April 27, 2009



Diez N.A. -- dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun -- menerima terjemahan dengan layanan dan tarif sebagai berikut:
1. Bhs Inggris ke Bhs Indonesia:Rp 10.000/lembar hasil terjemahan (HVS ukuran A4, spasi double, huruf Tahoma ukuran 11)

2. Bhs Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris:Rp 20.000/lembar hasil terjemahan (HVS ukuran A4, spasi double, huruf Tahoma ukuran 11)

Layanan antar-jemput untuk (calon) pelanggan yang berdomisili di wilayah kota Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, dan sekitarnya. Diutamakan untuk bidang/disiplin ilmu: manajemen, teknik industri, pendidikan, dan pemerintahan.
Konfirmasi ke:

Selasa, April 07, 2009


Hasil Survei "Soegeng Sarjadi Syndicate"
Hasil survei ini menyatakan bahwa akan ada 9 partai yang akan memenangi Pemilu 2009. Kesembilan partai itu adalah:
1. P. Demokrat
2. PDI-P
3. P. Golkar
4. P. Gerindra
5. PKS
6. PAN
7. PPP
8. P. Hanura
9. PKB
Sumber: Tribun Jabar, 5/4/2009